Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm too Busy to REALLY like you: Hooking-up on College Campuses

College can be a hectic time. There's twenty-page papers, reading assignments, organizations meetings, part-time/full-time jobs, and actual class time. One barely has time to eat, let alone be committed in a serious monogamous relationship. So the best option: casual sex/hooking up. Or so the students at Yale University have self-reported. Yale Daily News poll, sent last week to 5,186 undergraduates, of which 1,770 students responded. The results have been charted on the link below:

I learned from the article that the study has caused some conversation at Yale. There are students who agree wholeheartedly with the study and its analysis while some students are saying that this represents a small sample of a special population of Yale's undergraduates. However, I have created my own categories to group the reactions of those conversations:

There's not enough time in the day to nurture a serious relationship.

"We work hard and we play hard," is a comment that I think sums up what some of the students were trying to say. Because of heavy course loads and other responsibilities, a lot of students seriously consider whether or not a relationship would be worth pursuing. So while some students may so no to a relationship, that doesn't necessarily mean that they are saying no to sexual relations.

“Hookups, by virtue of the academic environment that we are in, are much easier and much more sustainable,” Michael Jones ’12 said. “I guess by extension of the environments we are in, when you’re interacting at a party, it’s very difficult to develop a meaningful, emotional relationship with someone immediately.”

Any attention is good attention.

Some of the females commented that they hook-up with guys because they want to spend some time, any time, with the person they're attracted to. "While Ruck said both parties often entertain the possibility of a relationship, he also said he knows of several guys who had led girls to believe they were more interested in a real relationship than they actually were in order to prolong the hookup. On the flipside, he said girls have also been known to have sex with guys with the sole hope that it will help keep them around. But he said many hookups end the moment the girl says “I want to be exclusive.” "

It's so easy to get it.

On most college campuses, socializing makes it very easy to get to know people. Fraternity parties, clubs, and bars offer opportunities for people to meet and relationships to blossom. "As explained by Sarah Matthes ’13, a large portion of this pattern can potentially be attributed to what is commonly referred to as “DFMO,” short for dance-floor makeout. Citing Safety Dance, fraternity parties and Modern Love as common hookup venues, she described kissing as “trivial” in the light of questions pertaining to intercourse and oral sex. Even at Toad’s Place or a campus party, kissing someone is considered a dance move.

“Here I think making out is something that can happen and people can wake up the next morning and laugh about it and go about their day,” she said, while admitting that there is a separate contingency of Yale students who did not participate in frivolous makeout sessions at all. About nine percent of students polled reported to have never made out with anyone.

“From a single guy’s point of view, I find few things more fun than going out at night and seeing what I can come home with,” Wyper said. “It’s fun. It’s exciting. I’m not looking to fill my empty heart. Wednesday through Saturday you have a pretty decent shot at hooking up with somebody.” "

Hooking up is very rampant on college campuses and have serious ramifications, especially for students who invest so much of themselves in their love lives and come up empty-handed.

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