Let's walk through someone else's shoes for a second, shall we?
Typical Undergraduate Student
I come to the student union after my 11am physics class. As I walk through the Grove and approach the 70s style union, I'm already expecting the building to be incredibly full, with hardly any place to walk. And I'm right. The main walkway through the union is congested because student organizations' tables, the central ticket office's lines, and socializing are in full force right now. I could sit in the lobby, but I've decided I'm hungry. I'm hesitant because the inflated prices in the food court are RIDICULOUS! But what other choice do I have? After I get my lunch, there's no place inside to eat. I even go upstairs to the Southern Breeze and all of the tables are taken...
Typical Student Leader
It's before 5pm and I have a meeting on the fourth floor. I booked the room for the meeting. I was amazed that I actually got it. Sometimes, rooms are said they aren't available, even though I look at the reservation sheet next to the room and only two organizations have booked the room...one's at 9am and the other at 6pm. My meeting should last about an hour, but I definitely cannot park in thirty minute parking because the ticket hawks are out to get me. Their constant surveillance definitely takes the student friendliness away from the union. And who can honestly do anything in the union in less than thirty minutes?? Can I PLEASE have 45? Anyway, it takes me a while to get through the Union because I get to see so many of my friends and people that I'm in organizations with.
Typical Graduate Student
I have a graduate assistantship with one of the administrative offices in the Union, so I get the opportunity to witness the student interaction with the building. When I do talk to students about the union, most say how they try to avoid coming in here because of the space issues, how expensive the food is, and the availability on only the lobby to study. My graduate student colleagues say they don't even come to the union after they buy their textbooks. They would rather go to the library, to their academic department, or stay home. I have noticed how there isn't any study places available unless you want to come to the lobby at 9pm.
I personally have been in all three of these positions. I like the union because of the venues and services it does provide, however, I think our union lacks things that could truly enrich our students Ole Miss experience. I have heard both the Dean of Students and the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs talk briefly about how students could be more involved in the operations and upkeep of the student union. BRILLIANT IDEA! The union now really has a weird aura to it. It says "Ole Miss Student Union" on the front, but it definitely should read "Ole Miss Administrators, Physical Plant, and Aramark Union."
I think that students should definitely have a bigger role when deciding what goes on and what DOESN'T go on in the Union. Right now, I feel as if Aramark has the final say so. Our student union is slowly but surely turning into a big huge food court. The ONLY student lounge on campus is now turning into a sandwich shop...Does this make sense to me? If we're only thinking about revenue, then maybe, but if we're thinking about the daily personal welfare of students...then I think not. Students need to eat, but that's not the only thing we do. Student unions should include theater and auditorium space, stores that provide more than food, a lounge, study spaces, a multicultural center and venues for entertainment purposes.
A great way to ensure that our student union provides services that students will actually benefit from is to return to the idea of a student union advisory board. While I do not know much information about it, I'm under the assumption that our student union had something of this capacity, and even a student-appointed position. I found a great description of a student-led student union advisory board on the website for Florida Gulf Coast University (almost 10,000 students enrolled).
"The Advisory Board is a University-wide standing committee run by student officers, with a voting student majority. This presidentially appointed committee is comprised of at least 13 voting members and 2 ex-officio members. The appointment term for student members is one year, beginning in May of each year. The student members of the board are representative of various university constituencies, so that the board represents a strategically diverse student population. The purpose of the board is to solicit and evaluate input from all members of the University community regarding the operation, growth and programming of the Student Union. The Student Union Advisory Board meets at least once per month during the Academic Year." Florida Gulf Coast University.
I think a board like this would be very successful at Ole Miss. Our campus always has student leaders who are ready to work and contribute their all to the university. Having a student advisory board will definitely be a wonderful addition in respect to keeping students wants and needs in mind. Right now, I think departments are relying heavily on emailed surveys to illuminate what students want. My only comment is that I would like to see what percentage of students take them. With students being directly involved in the decision making processes, there would be less doubt if a certain initiative or renovation would site well with students. This, in turn, will aid in being a very lucrative recruiting tool. This board will also provide students with leadership experience they may need for the next step in their lives. With such large responsibilities, the students involved are learning very necessary supervisory, decision-making, and team building skills.
Plus, it would just build the overall morale of students here. Students already have a powerless feeling sometimes on our campus. To designate a part of campus as "by the students, for the students" would be huge!
Let's not forget that the student union is to support student collegiality as well. I love my chicken nuggets and waffle fries, but I think I speak for many students when I say give me something new. Give me a movie theater. Give me a multicultural center. Give me office space for the organizations who are not ASB. But don't just "give" it to me. Let me be involved.
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